Sunday 1 June 2014

Epic Armageddon - A Fresh Start: Nick

So Carl has already covered the whys and wherefores of the project, although I have been nagging him to play Epic for ages!

I already have the 'Epic Armageddon' rulebook & 'Swordwind' supplement:-

 all we needed was a quick check for the latest updates on the Epic UK website.

Having been a fan and collector of Epic miniatures since it first appeared, I've a bit of an advantage over Carl and have amassed quite a substantial pile of miniatures to choose from:-

Red = Xenos/Chaos
Blue = Imperial
Green =Orks

...and yes that is TWO boxes for the Orks!!

Even though I own several tournament ready armies of 3000pts or more, I haven't played since 2005 and decided I wanted to start a new 1000pt force as well and so the project/challenge was born.

All I need to do now is decide which of the many armies I want to pursue, and get cracking!

1 comment:

  1. Decisions, decisions. Better pick something soon mate or I'll be racing ahead! :)
