Friday, 20 June 2014

Epic Armageddon - Choosing an Army (part 1): Nick

So it looks like Carl is racing ahead with his first batch of Chaos for our Epic Armageddon project, that means I really need to sit down and decide on which army I want to do!

Now whilst I already have several ongoing or half finished armies, I really wanted to begin with a clean slate this time where I have nothing even started - both as a fair challenge, and to give me a full 1000pts of 'new-shiny' to put on the table rather being drawn into old habits which would undoubtedly mean MORE Orks!

Having collected so much stuff over the years means I could pretty much create any army I wanted to, without having to purchase anything else unless there is a particular 'gap' that I want to fill.

Looking at the current army lists on Epic UK, the most tempting/suitable at this stage of the project are Imperial Guard, Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, Lost and the Damned, Tyranids or even (yet another!) Ork army - either using units I don't currently have, or a dedicated 'Feral Orks' list.

However, wanting to get something on the table fairly quickly means choosing an army that doesn't really require much converting or kit bashing (well not in the initial 1000pts at least), so Lost and the Damned or Feral Orks will probably have to wait for another time.

Any comments or suggestions welcome, and next time I will try to explain my decision having finally made one!

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