Thursday, 12 June 2014

1000 points of Epic Chaos primed and ready to paint!

I've had quite a busy time of things since my last post but I have managed to move the epic force on an important step. They're cleaned and primed and ready for the paint. :)

1000 point Epic Chaos force primed and ready for painting
Click the pic to enlarge

I dug through my mini mountain and found a few suitable miniatures (in my opinion) for use as a Greater Demon and Lesser Demons. I also found a model for use as a Demon Prince to lead the force.

The Greater Demon (proxie bloodthirster) is a Reaper Bones lizard man, the three Lesser Demons (proxie Bloodletters) are old metal Games Workshop snotlings. The Demon Prince is a Reaper Bones Kobold.

As can be seen by the photo the berserkers are a mish-mash of old epic chaos minis and the juggernauts are supplemented by a few minotaurs from the old GW epic plastics range.

The reason I'm happy with the proxies is that I'm going a bit 'old skool' with my backstory for these guys. Modern GW 40k canon portrays chaos as being comprised of the four main powers Khorne, Nurgle, Tzenntch and Slaanesh - it doesn't make much mention of the myriad of other lesser chaos powers that permeate the warp. This used to be mentioned is quite some detail back in the days of the Realms of Chaos books and it's something I really liked about the old 40k background.

So, with that in mind, my force represents a lesser Chaotic 'god' affiliated with Khorne. A servant of Khorne but with his own agenda and desires. In game terms the force follows the rules for the World Eaters, but from a backstory perspective I'm going for something a little more unique.

I'll go into this in more detail in future posts but for now my Chaos force is taking shape and I have some painting to do!

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