Saturday 31 May 2014

Epic Armageddon Chaos Army - My Starting Point

It was after a bout of reminiscing about Epic (Space Marine and Titan Legions - yes, very old stuff) that Nick and I slipped into digging through our old collections.

I 'thought' I'd sold everything years ago, so might get away from actually diverting myself into another project but fate it seems deemed it fit for me to discover a handful of old GW chaos plastic minis for Epic in an old ziplock bag.

That was it then, the old bug had taken hold.

A quick surf about the web provided the rules for Epic:A and the army lists. After a skim through the army lists I settled on building towards a World Eaters force. But I'm going to work on the basis that I may divert into the Lost and the Damned list in the future.

My starting point is pictured below.

Epic 40k Chaos plastic infantry and dreadnoughts

Not a great deal but it's a start. I should be able to put together a proxie Berserker formation and a Juggernaut formation, along with some supporting Dreadnoughts.

Other things I'll need to find are some models for demons to round out the collection to form a 1000pt force.

First steps though. Getting these plastics cleaned, based, primed and painted.

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