Saturday 31 May 2014

Bolt Action US Army - My Starting Point

I'd bought nine US infantry models from ebay several years ago purely to experiment with painting WWII uniforms and then, as is often the way, promptly lost interest and moved onto something else.

The models languished in my collection until a discussion with Nick about Bolt Action by Warlord led me to dig them out again. I also had one of Artizan's Thrilling Tales WWII models, the 'Oddball'  model, based on the hippy (yes, really) tank commander in the movie Kelly's Heroes.

It was during this discussion that we started to consider doing some kind of 'Tale of 2 Gamers' thing to help motivate us both to get a painted force completed for the period.

Kelly's Heroes is possibly by favourite WWII movie (I'm not overly concerned about historical accuracy - but love a good bit of entertainment). With this in mind I decided to build my tiny collection of US miniatures up into a fighting force based on the characters from the movie.

It'll probably be completely rubbish as far as an optimum build for a Bolt Action force but I'll enjoy using it so it doesn't really matter to me how they get on.

Here's my current situation, the US riflemen are painted!

28mm US infantry Bolt Action
And here's Oddball awaiting a paint job.
I'm only going to buy new models when all the existing stuff is painted so until Oddball is finished I'm not buying anything else.

I'll go into what I'm going to include in my list another time, I don't even own any books yet. Just building a force that seems 'cool' and 'feels' like Kelly's Heroes to me. :)

Epic Armageddon Chaos Army - My Starting Point

It was after a bout of reminiscing about Epic (Space Marine and Titan Legions - yes, very old stuff) that Nick and I slipped into digging through our old collections.

I 'thought' I'd sold everything years ago, so might get away from actually diverting myself into another project but fate it seems deemed it fit for me to discover a handful of old GW chaos plastic minis for Epic in an old ziplock bag.

That was it then, the old bug had taken hold.

A quick surf about the web provided the rules for Epic:A and the army lists. After a skim through the army lists I settled on building towards a World Eaters force. But I'm going to work on the basis that I may divert into the Lost and the Damned list in the future.

My starting point is pictured below.

Epic 40k Chaos plastic infantry and dreadnoughts

Not a great deal but it's a start. I should be able to put together a proxie Berserker formation and a Juggernaut formation, along with some supporting Dreadnoughts.

Other things I'll need to find are some models for demons to round out the collection to form a 1000pt force.

First steps though. Getting these plastics cleaned, based, primed and painted.

Thursday 29 May 2014

How it all started!

Carl and I have been gaming buddies for a number of years now, and we always have a multitude of on-going (and new!) projects on the go!

These two in particular were singled out as they would both be started from scratch, with the specific intention of creating equal forces is 'bite-size' chunks to face each other across the gaming table once ready... much in the style of some old White Dwarf articles that some of you may remember?

Both current projects were started accidentally, as is often the way with our best(?) ideas... in this instance mainly because Carl had discovered a long lost handful of miniatures for both games, and I already had the rulebooks!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

What's this all about then?

Welcome to a Tale of 2 Gamers. We've created this blog to track the progress of two tabletop miniature gamers as they tackle new projects from painting through to playing the battles on the table.

Hopefully it'll energise and incentivise us to get a few projects completed rather than simply eulogising about what we're 'going' to do.