Monday, 4 May 2015

Welcome to the Jungle... (Nick)

Finally an update from me for our Bolt Action 'Pacific Theatre' project.  Unfortunately not hordes of painted Japanese infantry, but nevertheless a very important part of the overall theme.

These are the first few pieces of jungle terrain to populate the gaming table and create a suitable environment - only a few to start with, just to test the techniques and materials I wanted to use:

...and a few close ups:


The palm trees and dissected plastic aquarium plants are courtesy of eBay, and both types of long grasses (more aquarium plants) are from Products for Wargamers which I bought at one of the many UK shows they attend.

The bases are randomly cut from hardboard, sanded smooth and given a quick blast of anti-shine to seal the surface and stop them warping when the basing material dries.
The plants are hot-glued into place, rocks are just pebbles from the garden glued into place and painted, then the whole base is covered in Basetex from Colour Party with some chinchilla sand sprinkled in patches and painted once dry.

There will be a LOT more of these to follow, with more variety and more overgrown 'jungly' pieces.  After these generic and hopefully 'realistic' sections which could be used in any jungle or Arab desert setting, I want to add some really funky, wildly coloured stuff to go more sci-fi/fantasy for use in my games of Beyond the Gates of Antares and Fanticide.

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