Sunday 7 December 2014

WWII Bolt Action Japanese - a few reinforcements: Nick

So still no painting from me I'm afraid!  All is not lost however, the SAGA tournament at the Stoke Challenge led to the purchase of these pack mules from Tiger Miniatures - a new company to me, but one with lots of tempting goodies:

Although not part of the army as such, I will find a use for them as a mood/terrain piece or objective markers and wish I'd got a few more.

Also one of my many visits to Warlord Games has procured me a few reinforcements in the way of these Snipers and Spotter from their excellent range of WWII Japanese miniatures: well as some alternative head sprues for a bit of variety or conversions:

So not the update I was hoping to write after so long, but more to come soon and hopefully some actual progress before Xmas!

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