Thursday 14 August 2014

Epic Armageddon Chaos Dreadnoughts Painted, Juggernaut WiP and Reinforcements

My Epic A force has taken a bit of a back seat recently while I've been busy elsewhere but I have managed to nudge it along since my last Epic post.

Below you'll see the work in progress of my main formations. The proxie Berserkers on the left and the Juggernauts on the right. The two spare stands at the back are going to be turned into standard bearers and/or Champions, I want something that I can swap in and out to tweak points values when it comes to putting lists together so this will give me a little wriggle room.

Click to enlarge
My recent birthday saw Nick and I exchange a few epic minis (although my force got much the bigger boost) - you can see the additions to my collection below.

Click to enlarge

There's 4 old style Land Raiders which I can 'Chaosify' along with enough bodies (including some old style Orks) to build another formation of infantry, plus Rhinos & chaos lords. This little selection gives me plenty of bodies (when added to my existing collection) to build my initial 1000 point force. Also, crucially, it unlocks more elite slots etc. in the army lists by adding another formation into the mix when going onto bigger force sizes.

I have managed to get some painting on the Epic force finished: my Dreadnoughts! Here they are:

Click to enlarge

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